Wednesday, November 2, 2011

"Let's Just Enjoy Ourselves!"

Joshua and son, Chamberlain
Angela posted a phrase that came out of her darling 5 year old's mouth (Jacquelynn) "I'm sweatin' like a sinner in church!" Oh my goodness. Ken and I laughed so hard. It got me thinking about all of the cute things the kids have said over the years. My favorite was Joshua's phrase, "Let's put everything back and just enjoy ourselves!" We had been grocery shopping, had a cart load of food, and he came upon some yummy cookies. In reference to the cookies, he wanted me to put everything back onto the shelves and we sit in the car and eat those cookies - as "just enjoy ourselves." Adorable. In thinking about his phrase, I can relate when it comes to Stonecold's "Berry Fantasy" ice cream. Kicking back on occasion and just enjoying that is pure heaven!

Kelli Jo, me, Zoey at game in Dubai
Lesa sent me a few cute things her girls have said. Kelli Jo lost a toenail and asked, "mom, is there a toe fairy?" She actually sounds smart. Asking for money is too easy. Disguising the request with asking about various fairies makes more cents! (get it?)

Zoey was watching Lesa read silently,and asked why she wasn't reading out loud. Then once it was explained to her about reading to yourself, the next time she saw Lesa reading she asked, "Is your head reading again?" Cute.

Nolan and Calvin
I wish I had written down all of the darling things the kids said as they were growing up. At the moment it happens, you chuckle and often share it with a family member, but soon forget about it, until the grand kids come around. Then things come to memory again. My visits to Ben and Cooper's in VA or PA always have me smiling with things the kids say. One such visit, Calvin had been memorizing the Articles of Faith for Primary. As he followed me everywhere, even outside where I was trying to get cell service, I video-taped him chanting the 2nd Article of Faith, which he seemed to favor. Understand that as he chanted it, he was chopping down every living plant in the yard, and when he'd say the word "punished," he'd hit something even harder and with more emphasis. Question: Ben, have you been having him face the wall too often?  "We believe that men should be PUNISHED for their own sins, and not for Adam's transgression." Very funny.

One of my favorites is Chamberlain, when watching Utah smash BYU in football recently, saying, "they need Jimmer." Such a Coug fan, for sure. The fact that Josh and Ashleigh pretty much live on the BYU campus, sleeping and eating Cougar blue...Chamberlain's comment is still comical.  And, quite frankly, the way BYU played, even adding a basketball player to the mix couldn't hurt, right?

I could blog for pages on the silly things we as adults say. And we are painfully reminded of those embarrassing comments we've made at times of brain freeze, at, what seems like, all family gatherings. And the kids laugh at the same dumb things we said and did, but humor keeps us healthy and young, they say. So...keep on remembering, and we'll, for sure, keep on making fools of ourselves.