Grandma Burgess and baby Beckham |
Ask any grandparent and they will tell you that there's nothing better than grandchildren. No question that we adore our children, but grandchildren are beyond perfect in every way. As soon as the car door opens when visiting one of my children's homes, out runs the grandchildren yelling at the top of their voices, "grandma, grandma, grandma!" This is followed by knock-the-wind-out-of-you body slams of hugs, kisses and giggles. And it's impossible to ever scold these adorable little angels, even when fingerprints seem to appear everywhere and on everything after they come to visit, or how many paper doll and puzzle pieces are later discovered hiding under cushions, couches and cabinets. "Oh that's where that piece disappeared to." With smiles, once they have left, we remember the snuggles, and with a little sadness, we realize our home is just too quiet and uncluttered without them around.
Siri's "1st" birthday, August 28, 2011 |
On July 28th I was on my way to celebrate Siri's 1st birthday and to attend the Burgess Bash (reunion) in Alpine, Utah on the 30th. As I arrived at the Long Beach airport I received several text messages from my son, Chris, telling me that his wife Lesa was in the hospital in labor. I was surprised because she wasn't due until August 9th and the doctor was inducing her on August 3rd. For this reason I had even extended my visit through August 5th so I could see the new baby. By the time I landed in Salt Lake City, Lesa had delivered a beautiful baby boy - Beckham Christopher Burgess at 8 lbs 3 ounces! How exciting for Grandma Burgess (me) to arrive on the day of the birth. I was thrilled. What a blessing to be there to hold that new baby boy who had just left the presence of our Heavenly Father.
Beckham Christopher Burgess |
Years ago a single friend of mine who lives in New York as a conductor (of Peter Pan on Broadway with Sandy Duncan), made a candid comment to me about my children. She said, "you are surrounded by lots of little love pillows." She had just come to visit me in California and witnessed my "little love pillows" (as she called them) as all of my children came running to the car as I drove up yelling "mom, mom", followed by hugs, kisses and lots of excited chattering. And now with this last visit to Utah, I thought of my children when they were young, and now with a smile, I'm seeing the same love, hugs, kisses and excited chattering from my grandchildren. It's pure joy, the kind of joy that lasts forever in our hearts. I love these moments. They make life worth living, and we, as parents and grandparents, realize this is what life is really all about.
As I was leaving my last visit at Chris and Lesa's home in Bountiful, the girls said, "grandma come see Beckham. He looks like a caterpillar!" Of course, I had to check this out. So, I quietly walked into the room and there was handsome Beckham tightly snuggled up in his receiving blanket asleep. Yes, he did look like a catepillar all bundled, but an angelic caterpillar at that. I miss him already. There's nothing like that new baby smell, and watching every little thing they do as they grow and develop. The funny scrunched up faces they make, their first smile, giggle, and gurgle. Every moment is, and should be treasured. I loved watching my babies grow and develop, and now I am blessed to watch their children grow and develop. I love the precious moments I get to visit them, and am so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ where we know that families are forever and ever and ever.
Kelli Jo (7), Beckham (1 week) , Ava (2) , Chris, Zoey (5) |
Beautiful blog on the blessings of family. Brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart for you. Very, very special. Thank you for sharing this tender and very touching time in your life. God bless you and your entire family.