Mom's Project to Deal with Loss |
I've lost count of how many crochet'd afghans and blankets my mother has made over the years. I just know that she loves to crochet and loves to make afghans for all of her children, and grandchildren. She learned from her mother who used to crochet baby booties and accents and edges on pillowcases and doilies. Grandma Sorenson's work was very detailed and tiny. My mom has always believed in staying busy, and at age 85 she always has a beautiful project that she is working on, along with keeping herself stylish in clothing that she makes. Her favorite projects come from her crochet needle, and she loves showing me her latest achievement. As soon as I arrive at her home in Utah she says, "you've got to look at the newest afghan I just finished!"
The beautiful purple blanket on the left that she made is one of my favorites. I had just lost my dad (her husband), and mom was not handling this loss well. I knew that she needed a project to take her mind off of the grief. So I drove her to the closest Walmart to purchase yarn for her to make me this gorgeous blanket. At the time, our downstairs family room had been decorated with a lot of purple to include purple couches and a purple covered pool table. So, I picked this specific color of yarn out for her to make for me to match up with the colorfully decorated room. She focused all of her grief into this project, and it was completed very quickly. She said that doing this got her through that very difficult time in her life, and I'm glad she had this to work on. I keep this crocheted blanket in the bedroom away from excess wear and tear to keep it safe and like new.
The Oldest in My Collection from Mom |
Cranberry Red Guest Room |
This cream colored afghan to the left is one that I've had the longest from all ten or so she's made for me. The detail work in this is amazing. Mom made this one for me when we were first married with young children. We had a cream colored couch (that we later knew had been a mistake with four boys), and this year I had it draped beautifully under my bedroom fancy Christmas tree. It made that tree even more glamorous than it was, and very special.
The beautiful cranberry red one was originally made for me by mom when we had finished our custom-built home in Irvine, and it accented the pillows in the entrance front room. I helped her pick out the yarn because it couldn't be just red, it had to be a specific cranberry to work in that room. She made this to replace a store-bought throw that was great - but according to her wasn't home-made, nor from mom. It now accents the guest bedroom bed and is, along with all of the blankets she has made (including a gorgeous Christmas one red with white glittery snowflakes) treasured by me and I love them all. And although my mom continues with these wonderful crochet'd projects, the ones she's made specifically for me at various important times for both of us, will be held near and dear to my heart forever.
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My Latest Blanket for Beckham |
It's now my turn to pass things down to my grandchildren. I have always loved to crochet or knit (even embroidery for awhile) since I can remember. It was a project started with me when I was in primary. But my love for it kicked in big time while at the University of Utah in opera rehearsals late at night. While a scene that I was not in was rehearsing on the stage, I would be in the audience awaiting my scenes crocheting and knitting away.I made scarfs, sweaters,vests, hats - you name it. And when first married I would make huge, complicated crochet'd blankets as Christmas gifts. But then other projects kicked in when macro-met was all the rage - then Christmas wreathes - costumes - whatever ... my wonderful compulsive behavior always finds a way to take on the latest project of the day.
I recently started making blankets for my grandchildren, starting with Chris and Lesa's girls. Although I had never really stopped with the crocheting (scarfs, hats), and on-going sewing and crafting-type projects, Kelli Jo had specifically asked me to make her a blanket to match her bedroom in their new home. I said "OK", then made Zoey's and then Ava's once finished with Kelli Jo's. Ava's took me a bit longer to complete due to being inundated with business projects. I did get it to her for her last birthday and she loved it. I always have to have a project or great book to read while flying because it passes the time, especially with the annoying long layovers. Flying here to Abu Dhabi took three (3) flights - from LAX to Chicago to London and then to Abu Dhabi. And the only way to pass this huge chunk of time was to crochet a blue blanket for Beckham. I finished it while waiting for basketball games to start (which are sometimes a two hour wait) and at half time. And darling Beckham seems to love it, although not smiling in the picture due to him having a couple of sick days, I know one day he will appreciate the grandma gift just like his sisters do.
Ava, Kelli Jo and Zoey |
I have a few more grandchildren blankets to make, but I will need to be guided on color choices. There's Ben and Coopers five (5) - Adelaide, Nolan, Calvin, Jane and Oliver, Angela and Eddie's five (5) - Madison, Jacquelynn, Brooklyn, Sutton and new baby boy, Chris and Lesa's Zachary (newest baby), Joshua and Ashleigh's three (3) - Chamberlain, Siri and Harrison (although I'm sure Chamberlain will only allow Cougar blue in their home), then Sarah and David's children (?) Projects like this are fun and keeps me out of trouble! As my mom always said, "busy hands keep your mind clear, while idle hands are the devil's playground," or something like that I think :-)
Ben and Coopers, Angela and Eddie's, Chris and Lesa's, Joshua and Ashleigh's, SARAH(??) and David's? Can I have some of my masculinity back when you are done trashing it? thanks