Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Chris and Beckham, October 2011
Mid March the phone rang next to my bed at 4:00 am California time, and it was Chris calling from Poland. "Lesa's having a boy, but don't tell anyone because I want to announce it myself!"  OK... a) I didn't know Lesa was pregnant, b) awesome. Ken asked, "who was that?" Of course I couldn't say because I'd been sworn to secrecy. But within the hour it was all over Facebook and Twitter with interesting (proof) pictures that the fourth child for Chris and Lesa was for sure a boy. I smiled when seeing the "proof" visually tweeted.
Beckham "representing" :-)

Ahhh, a proud father and son moment (above with Chris and Beckham), not that girls aren't truly amazing, but there's something magical about a father and son. I had four sons and two daughters. I was blessed with both and adore each of them. They are all so different from each other, from the moment they give out that first cry in the delivery room. Ben didn't stop crying for near nine months. Chris scowled right out of the womb. Josh smiled and had that "peacemaker" aura that has stayed with him. And David came out looking like he was six months old at 13 pounds!  (Yes, don't cringe. He was actually 13 pounds.) And they, along with my girls, Angela and Jessica, have brought me endless joy and happiness.

Calvin 2011 Baseball Star

Ben and Youngest Son, Oliver
Ben, my eldest son, has three fantastic boys (and two lovely girls). I love that Cooper takes lots of great pictures and posts them with her blog, because they live clear out in beautiful Pennsylvania, and I miss out on being involved with their activities. (Thank you Cooper for keeping me updated). 

I loved the picture of the Pinewood Derby, the Father and Sons camping trip (looking for that picture), and the pictures of Calvin decked out in his baseball uniform. Knowing how much Ben loved baseball (one son named Nolan?), I was actually in PA and sat outside in their beautiful backyard, and watched Ben and Calvin play catch. (smile) The funniest thing, however, besides the male bonding that goes on there, was watching Ben attempt to discipline his youngest son, Oliver, at the cabin this summer, where he has a tradition of having them face the wall (or cabin door in this case), and Oliver pounding the door yelling, "I hate you door!" Cute.

Calvin and Nolan at Pinewood Derby 2010

Joshua and Chamberlain 2010
Then there's my third son, Joshua. He has one boy and one girl. Chamberlain is now 5 years old and honestly has more energy that five boys, and always has that mischievous sparkle in his eyes. And he says the darndest things. "Grandma, do you like the Cougs (BYU) better that the Utes? (Utah)." Or while watching BYU football team being demolished by Utah he said, "they need Jimmer!"  Again...cute. Good thing Josh has always had the patience of Job. Ashleigh has written incredible posts in her family blog keeping me in the loop with every activity that their little family is involved with. 
I love it. (Thanks Ashleigh.)

Joshua and Chamberlain (fun Buzz wings)

I'm definitely not being partial here to boys (although my children think I am), this post is just highlighting the five (5) grand sons I do have, out of the sixteen (16) grandchildren. Talking about those eleven (11) girls will take more than one post, right? And I will definitely do that.  For today, however, I will look at pictures, record in my journal memories of my boys before I forget, and warmly smile. My sons have made me very proud. And their sons will do the same for them. 

Chris posed a question to me last year, because I tend to use my motherly rights that include bragging about my sons (my "ball players"). He asked, "who are you going to brag about when we all retire from playing basketball?" Of course my answer was, "Chamberlain!" That, again is a grandmotherly rite, right? 

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