Thursday, October 27, 2011


Chris playing Korea
David playing Bulgaria
Joshua and Ashleigh played BYU (Chamberlain is next!)

Yes, we know...we're tall, very tall. And no, I didn't play basketball. But what you may not know is that we're also brilliant, wise, thrifty, industrious, and gorgeous. And - almost forgot - sarcastic, especially when we are all gathered around the dinner table on holidays. And, of course, humble. (Smile, wink...)

Angela played BYU
What's with the secret we all have surrounding the phrase, "Lotsa ballplayers?" OK...better document this in the Burgess Boulevard blog before I get too old to remember (although my children won't let me forget). We have a cabin in Pines Ranch in Utah. It's above Park City and a little town called Oakley, next to Kamas. (Are you with me so far?) On occasion we come down from the cabin for a few supplies and shop at the only grocery store in Kamas. A couple of years back Chris, Angela and I walked into the store and at the checkout we had the comment (that we have never had :-I) "you guys are so tall!"  Then to Chris, "do you play basketball?" I then piped in with a phrase that I would hope my children would soon (someday) forget, "there's lotsa ballplayers at the Burgesses!" Chris rolled his eyes and walked out. Angela said something like, "good mom." And then disappeared for fear I would start bragging about my kids playing basketball at Duke, BYU, etc. Hmmm. Two Christmases ago, Angela even bought me a bumper sticker that read, "Love My Ballplayers," which is how I know which of those silver Mercedes in the parking lot is mine. I look for the bumper sticker.

David and Sarah
So, everyone knows by now that my handsome youngest son (also a ballplayer) got engaged. His fiance is beautifully tall, and fits right into the "ballplayer" scenario. And someone posted something on her Facebook wall about them (she and David) are going to have giant children. Well...I just couldn't resist. I had to post, "lotsa ballplayers!" 

So, now you know the story behind the sarcasm and "ballplayers" being spoken anytime I start expounding (which I do tons) about my children - and grandchildren, for that matter. Mother and grandmother rights and all!  For the record (and to answer your obvious questions) ... From the top: Ben is 6'4", Angela 6'3", Chris 6'10, Joshua 6'8", David 6'10". Ken 6'6" and me 6'2". Was Ben adopted? No. The Clayton side are short. :-)

Angela, Ken, Josh, Ashleigh, Sandi, David and Ben

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