Wednesday, August 29, 2012

It's Just Not the Beach!

That's me there looking frustrated, not because none of my grown children or grand children live in the area of Irvine, California, or even close enough to attend this event. But this lack of a smile is saying, "it's just not the beach."

You see, every year that I can remember while living in beautiful Irvine, California, our church's local group (called a ward) has held a corn roast in August at the beach in Corona Del Mar. My kids have loved it. We would leave the house early enough to have beach time before the crowds of people from the church would arrive, stop to pick up a bucket of Kentucky Friend Chicken there near the beach, and involve ourselves in the preparation. Ken would assist with lighting the large fire pits stacked with wood, and I would help with preparing the corn on the cob. Once the fire was stoked and ready, the men would take newly purchased shiny metal garbage cans down to the ocean shoreline and fill them up with the salty ocean water, place them on the fires, followed by dropping in the corn. And we would then set up the tables with butter, salt and pepper, drinks and s'more food items for roasting later - on those same wood fires. It was awesome. We brought our own additional food items, enough paper plates and napkins for our families needs, beach chairs, blankets, sweatshirts for layering as the weather cooled down, and chairs. Those in charge of this annual activity would mark off our ward's "territory" with large tables, a canopy or two, beach chairs, and often times, balloons.

Sue Roblas showing me that they didn't cook the corn right.
The Corn Roast was wonderful. The corn was cooked still in its husk wrapped around the cob (although the prep had us all pealing it back and removing the silk), and it didn't really need salt due to it boiling in the ocean water. It was delicious, and could stand on its own without needing the Kentucky Fried Chicken we had picked up. Yes, with the deliciousness of the food came the benefit of sand in everything from shoes, hair, clothing and food, but we didn't care. We were at the beach, and we loved it.

Concerns for the safety of children getting lost in the crowds at the beach, the wards have now moved this annual Corn Roast tradition to our fenced in, but lovely,Irvine Lagoon. Yes, there's sand. Yes, there's water. But it's just not the same. So, we focus on the friendships, the conversations, the catching up and bragging about our children and grandchildren (our right as mother's and grandmother's), and, as my oldest son, Ben, always says to me, "mom, focus on the positive." So, for now I'll reflect on living in beautiful Irvine, California where the weather is a little bit of heaven year-round, the community is built around walking trails, parks and pools (paradise of planned living), and count the blessings that abound. But, just sayin''s just not the beach!

Corona Del Mar, California

Friday, August 17, 2012


Brooklyn (Angela and Eddie's)

Jane (Ben & Cooper's)

Chamberlain (Josh & Ashleigh's)

I just can't believe these three cousins (my beautiful grandchildren) are all starting school this year at the same time, although in different parts of the country. Brings back memories of when my children started school. Once they start, suddenly they seem all grown up. When Adelaide (now nearly 13) entered kindergarten she was sitting coloring with her brother Nolan (now 11) and said, "Nolan you are doing that wrong. I know because I'm in school now." Of course, I chuckled from the other room when hearing this. Yes - they are growing up. And surprisingly enough, I just don't get older, although they all seem to. So, I'll just stick to being 49 in my mind, keep coloring my roots, getting my nails done, an occasional massage, and act like I did when I was 30 - only a bit wiser (I hope.)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Strolling in the Park

Me and Beckham
Yes, this is me in my usual way with riding the rides at either Disneyland, Knottsberry Farm, Magic Mountain or the Orange County Fair. While everyone is enjoying being tossed on their heads, thrown from side to side in a fun-thrilled ride, I am here usually pushing a baby (now grandbaby), or sitting patiently in the shade while my thrill-seeking children and grandchildren seek the thrills, so to speak. And, please don't feel sorry for me. I choose to not ride on the majority of the rides that are featured at a given park. Why? I just don't have the stomach for it. And I know this from my early years as a kid going to Lagoon in Utah. My mom loved the big wooden roller coaster there, and usually tried coaxing me to come on. But when she managed to get me to ride, she, along with everyone in the party that day, regretted it. I was dizzy, felt nauseous and had to lie down on more than one occasion. Of course, the winning event was Senior Ditch Day at Lagoon in high school when the boyfriend of the day talked me into riding the Tilt-o-whirl where not only was I sick the rest of the day, but actually (and literally) lost my lunch on the ride. So...I prefer watching the babies, taking pictures and waving like nice grandmas do on the sidelines. The next time, however, I'm asking for a free days pass for just standing, sitting and buying lunch for everyone.
Chris' kids love taking pix with every character in the park. This is Knottsberry Farm during their trip for David's wedding.

I do like this one - just not the lines you have to wait in to go on it!

Ben and Cooper.  Cooper wasn't sure about this. Think it ruined her day too.

Girls look mighty scared to me...

Wave at Grandma

Face painting bribe from Chris for his girls to ride with him on every (literally) every ride in the park.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

This Was Not On the Wedding Checklist Ken!

My mom continually brings up the fact that I shouldn't have moved from Utah, that I should be singing in the Tabernacle Choir, and that she doesn't know my grandkids. It's been 31 years since I moved from Utah to more traffic, warmer year-round weather, and higher housing prices, but it never really hit me that she was basically saying that she missed me and felt lonely, until my baby of six left today, headed to Las Vegas and his new home, along with his beautiful new wife, Sarah.

Yes, David got married. And the past three posts have highlighted it in some way. It was beautiful, joyous and sad, all at the same time. We want nothing more for our children than to see them happy and successful, along with staying righteous and living honest lives. And when they find that "soulmate," we are happier for them than they can imagine. As parents, we do feel what they feel, hurt when they hurt, smile and laugh when they laugh, and rejoice when they see success. So, for David and Sarah, I gave them big "good bye" hugs and kisses, and thought out loud, "make sure you call your mom weekly!"

July and August have been jam-packed with family happenings! From the birth of Josh and Ashleigh's baby boy, Harrison Joshua Burgess, the baptism of Chris' oldest, Kelli Jo, to spending the month there in Utah working out, driving back to Vegas to pick up Ken, the wedding, the paramedics rushing Ken to the hospital, to... Oh yes. Forgot (conveniently) about mentioning that.

Twelve years ago while on a family vacation at Lake Powell, Ken suffered internal bleeding from some ulcerations in his gut, removal of a tennis ball-sized tumor, and recovery. And he hasn't seemed to have had many problems with this since, other than an occasional challenge with stomach burning when eating any sort of semi-spicy foods. Until the day of David's wedding. He knew he was again bleeding internally, was very pale and weak. His thinking was to make it through the wedding for David's sake, then admit himself to the hospital to get this all checked out. The boys came over earlier in the day - Ben, Eddie, Josh, and Chris - and gave Ken and blessing, he rested a bit - then off to the wedding. However, 30 minutes before people started to arrive he sat down, went white as a ghost and collapsed. Luckily Chris was there to catch him, call out to Lesa to call 911, then moved him to the floor. As soon as he gained consciousness and his color returned to his face, he smiled and said, "what am I doing on the floor?" I (frightened) but lightheartedly said, "honey...this wasn't on the wedding checklist."

Ken was rushed by paramedics to the Western Medical Hospital near the Tustin Tennis Club, smiling and waving us to continue with the wedding. So - that's what we did. With Ken in our thoughts and prayers we continued greeting people as they arrived, started the instrumental ensemble playing, and proceeded with the wedding, then the reception, follow-up and clean up.  Other than having Ken nearly die prior to the wedding starting, things went pretty well.  Huge "thank you's" to Ashleigh, Joshua and Lee Ann Chamberlain for the incredible decorations, Ben and Cooper for the non-stop work on everything from writing checklists, shopping for the rehearsal barbecue, scouting out the park in Irvine for the barbecue, decorating the park tables and surroundings to match up with the wedding colors, food prep, event organization, clean up, best man duties with announcements...etc. For Lesa, Angela and Eddie for prep and clean up, for Chris watching all of the kids and all came together. And once again...families are forever, and they pull together at times of need in a huge way - an eternal way that says, I love you mom and dad! And, that IS on the wedding checklist!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Speaking of the Wedding

Sarah and David, August 4, 2012

Handsome Chamberlain

Uncle David!

Ben and Cooper helped me non-stop

Stunning Decorations by Ashleigh, her mom and Josh-Wedding Song -
Angela helping the girls with the smores bar - yummo!

Wedding Song 
"He is now to be among you at the calling of your hearts.
Rest assured this troubador is acting on His part.
The union of your spirits here has caused Him to remain,
for whenever two or more of you are gathered in His name,
There is love. There is love."
"Oh, a man shall leave his mother, and a woman leave her home.
They will travel on to where the two will be as one.
As it was in the beginning, is now until the end,
woman draws her life from man
and gives it back again and there is love.
Oh, there's love."
Well then what's to be the reason for becoming man and wife?
Is it love that brings you here or love that brings you life?
For is loving is the answer then who's the giving for?
Do you believe in something that you've never seen before?
Oh, there's love. There is love.
He is now to be among you at the calling of your hearts.
Rest assured this troubador is acting on His part. 
The union of your spirits here has caused Him to remain
for whenever two or more of you are gathered in His name
there is love. Oh, there is love.
Flower Girls (Zoey on right)
My Boys (also Sarah and Chamberlain)
Cousins - Madison and Kelli Jo

Josh and Ashleigh (and Lee Ann) did all of the decorating

Mom (me) and David dancing

Stunning Decorations
Best Kiss Ever!

Doesn't Look Good for Mom

I think Chris' comment when he snapped this photo of me after first attempting my workout with him in Bountiful, Utah was, "doesn't look good for mom."

Well, that's how it started. Me driving to Utah to spend the month of July at Chris and Lesa's home attempting to make lifestyle changes. I've been told that it takes 21 days of doing something consistently to form a habit. And that was my goal. At age 61, after 6 children (and 17 grandchildren :-), a type 2 diabetic, working too much behind my computer either teaching voice, writing training materials and communications for a new company called Voyager Health Technologies, or talking on the phones non-stop, my lifestyle had to change.The ole' mantra chanted over and over by all health professionals is "eat less, move more." I needed to adapt and internalize this mantra, so I took Chris up on his offer to work me out all of July. It was also a good incentive to start to get in shape for David and Sarah's wedding on August 4th. And I'm so glad I did this. And I will be forever grateful for those 30 days, to Chris for his patience, care and love - although this pictures doesn't reflect that.

My day would start with 45 minutes of loud music - usually Adele or a musical - while I walked on the treadmill, followed by Chris bounding down his stairs to workout himself there in his home gym to P90X video's, then giving me the basics (the "P" of P90X) with warm-ups, arms, abs legs, and the dreaded stand up, sit down routine. That first week was so tough and Chris had to hide his chuckling as I would nearly fall with every exercise. But, near the end of my stay there I could do every exercise, and was down over 20 pounds. And although this is a drop in the fitness bucket with my goals, I am now on the right track and after coming home I signed up at the new Irvine LA Fitness Center, and haven't missed a day with exercise. I actually love it!
From left (Jamie Armstrong move out of the picture) David, Chris, Josh & Ben

The boys were a huge help for me. Their love and care was shown in so many ways. Between phone calls, text messaging reminders and encouragement, to banning me from cheese and late night snacking, I slowly changed my outlook on the word "diet", replacing it with "lifestyle."

Josh was the most concerned about me taking cheese, especially string, out of my diet. David kept encouraging me, and when Ben arrived for the wedding he would make me walk to the LA Fitness Center, workout, then walk back. He and Cooper set me up with my lock and small backpack for this daily trek. However, since they've left, I do enjoy driving there, working out, then driving home :-)

My goals are now looking more long term with seeing lifestyle changes, and hopefully by Christmas I'll be where I want to be.  I have to take one day at a time, as they say - one foot in front of the other - and like the way I feel. And, the good news? I got into that red St. John knit suit for David's wedding!
Smores Bar at wedding reception (I did have one!)